
The Union of Universities in Gdańsk is based on strong, highly-specialised competencies of its members. The potential of the Fahrenheit Union is 44,000 students, nearly 4,000 research workers and teaching staff members, as well as 1,700 Ph.D. students.

The academic staff is composed of world-class scientists, with as many as 43 ranking among 2 % of the most influential researchers in the world in the Stanford University rankings.

Researchers from the member universities are involved in research in 31 fields in total. In 2019-2020, the MUG, Gdańsk Tech and UG jointly pursued 21 grants financed by, among others, the Foundation for Polish Science, National Centre for Research and Development, National Science Centre, Ministry of Education and Science as well as Medical Research Agency.

Previous consolidation initiatives

It is worth mentioning that the first initiatives aiming at the consolidation of Gdańsk higher education institutions have continued to exist since as early as the beginning of the 1990’s. It was then that the two most important joint initiatives, the TASK Tricity Academic Supercomputer & Network and the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology were launched. Both the TASK and the Faculty of Biotechnology in Gdańsk fully use the potential of the higher education institutions that created them and this makes them unique and competitive institutions on the map of academic centres in Poland. 

The next valuable initiative is the collaborative use of library resources in the Pomeranian Digital Library project. It is also worth mentioning the Pomeranian Research and Environmental Technology Centre created by the decision of three rectors in 2002, which for many years pursued joint interdisciplinary research projects in widely understood environmental protection. 

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