3x3 basketball. Successful debut of the Fahrenheit Universities team at a tournament abroad

In their international debut, Fahrenheit Universities 3x3 (FarU) consisting of Mateusz Bierwagen, Mateusz Kostrzewski, Wojciech Fraś and Krzysztof Jakóbczyk came 2nd in the Alexela 3x3 Tallinn Open Quest Tour 2021 tournament held in Viimsi, Estonia. The tournament, which took place on 19 June this year, was organised as part of the International Estonian Championship.

In their first foreign tournament, the team representing the Fahrenheit Union of Universities have shown themselves in the best light. After four successful matches, they were defeated only in the finals, where, after a closely-fought play-off, they lost to the first national team of Estonia 16:18. Fahrenheit Universities 3x3 will, however, come back to Estonia soon to play a rematch in the next tournament in the Alexela 3x3 cycle.

Local courts were also filled with sporting excitement. On 20 June, two Fahrenheit Universities 3x3 teams took part in the highly staffed 3x3 Gdynia tournament and finished it on the podium. 

In the finals, FarU 3x3 Gdańsk consisting of Bartek Jankowski, Mariusz Konopatzki, Daniel Gołębiowski and Adrian Bogucki defeated the Ambassadors 3x3 20:17 and won the main prize in the tournament. In turn, the second FarU 3x3 Gdańsk team consisting of Arkadiusz Kobus, Wojciech Pisarczyk, Michał Wojtyński and Tomasz Rudko defeated the Team Poland and ended the games by coming 3rd place. 

About the team

The Fahrenheit Universities 3x3 is a team representing the Fahrenheit Union of Universities. The team was created with the major 3x3 basketball tournaments not only at home, but also abroad, in mind. The team is composed of players with experience gained at top and first league courts and players/students of the universities within the Fahrenheit Union.

The Fahrenheit Universities 3x3 team consists of the following players: Mateusz Bierwagen (the captain), Karol Gruszecki, Mateusz Kostrzewski, Piotr Śmigielski, Kacper Młynarski, Kacper Szuszkiewicz, Stefan Marchlewski, Bartek Jankowski, Mariusz Konopatzki, Daniel Gołębiowski, Adrian Bogucki, Arkadiusz Kobus, Wojciech Pisarczyk, Michał Wojtyński, Tomasz Rudko, Krzysztof Jakóbczyk and Mikołaj Stopierzyński.
The team coaches are those of the Polish Senior and U23 national teams, Piotr Renkiel and Kazimierz Rozwadowski (the deputy director of the GUT Academic Sport Centre and a basketball section coach), who are linked with the GUT on a daily basis.

The FarU 3x3 players improve their sport form on a daily basis at the facilities of the Academic Sport Centre of the Gdańsk University of Technology. The ASC, Academic Sport Centre, is the only university unit in Poland with a certified Enlio floor and a 3x3 mobile hoop, owing to which world class tournaments may be organised by the Centre.
The team’s activity may be tracked at https://www.facebook.com/FahrenheitUniversities3x3 

About this sport

3x3 basketball is a quickly developing sport which will make its debut at the Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2021. This sport is also included in the programme of the 3rd European Games to be held in Kraków in 2023.

A 3x3 basketball match takes 10 minutes or until any team scores 21 points, and the single attack time is 12 seconds. Matches are played three a side on one basketball hoop.