Pomeranian universities will open the academic year together again

Representatives of Pomeranian universities, local government authorities, doctoral and student communities will once again walk with the orchestra in the heart of Gdańsk, along Długa Street - this year's ceremonial opening of the academic year is planned on October 5th at 11 am.


A colorful march accompanied by musicians and the sounds of carillons will be a symbol of integration and unity of the academic community, a celebration of common values ​​and goals for science and higher education in our region.

Fahrenheit Universities and Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, Mayor of Gdańsk invite you to participate!

The photo of participants of 2023 parade held on opening ceremony of academic year 2023/2024


10.15-10.50 – setting up participants at the Golden Gate

11.00-11.30 – start of the parade and march along Długa Str.

11:30-12:15 – speeches (Chairman of the Assembly of the Fahrenheit Union of Universities in Gdańsk, local government, students and phD students)

Join the unique parade with your friends and families!