TEDxUniversityofGdansk2024 – a source of knowledge and inspiration for social activity

Saturday 8 June saw the second edition of TEDxUniversityofGdansk, which was the first TEDx organised by the Fahrenheit Universities. Around the theme of “Sustainable Tomorrow”, topics related to technology, media, relationship building and even waste in space were covered. The event attracted many participants interested in the future prospects of the individual and our planet.

The aim of the conference was to initiate a discussion on topics related to the future, energy and sustainability in the broad sense. The conference was hosted by Marta Moksa, managing director of O4 Coworking, and by Miłosz Wojtyna of the University of Gdańsk.

In their speeches, the speakers referred not only to technological solutions, transformation or changes in the functioning of the ecosystem created by us as companies and users, but also to the way we think, prepare for change and find ourselves in a changing reality.  

Recordings of the speeches will soon appear in the FarU channels!

Marta Tymińska (UG) – The power of healing media

Marta Tyminska on TEDxUniversityofGdansk 08.06.2024

Marta Tymińska made conference participants realise that not everything has to be quick and we do not always have to be ambitious or competitive. Sometimes, we can stop and games can help us to calm down and take care of our spirits. Cosy games, in Japanese “iyashi-kei”, with their gentle and calming gameplay, offer a peaceful escape from everyday stress, allowing players to relax and find inner peace.

Bogna Pazderska (Hevelianum) – How to litter the cosmos?

Bogna Pazderska on TEDxUniversityofGdansk 08.06.2024

The problem of space debris is a serious threat. Bogna Pazderska pointed out the lack of regulations to require cleaning up after oneself in space. Currently, there are no international regulations that require countries such as the US, Russia or China to responsibly manage debris left in orbit. The result is an increasing amount of space debris, which poses a risk of collisions with operational satellites and other space objects. The speaker stressed that even very small pieces moving at high speeds can cause serious injuries. This is an additional threat to humans and infrastructure on the Earth's surface, making the problem of space debris a burning issue to be addressed to ensure a safe future in which space exploration is possible.

Aleksander Orłowski (Gdańsk Tech) – What cities will we live in?

Aleksander Orłowski on TEDxUniversityofGdansk 08.06.2024

In his presentation, Prof. Orłowski raised many issues about the future of cities and mobility. He emphasized the growing number of people living in cities and the need to adapt to this trend. He also highlighted the role of technology, especially autonomous vehicles, in the transformation of city transport, as well as the need to manage the growing population and the challenges related to parking infrastructure. He also noted the need for a well-thought-out approach to the introduction of new technologies and to changes in cities, taking into account the benefits and challenges associated with those technologies and changes.

Karolina Wysokińska (MUG) - Bridges instead of walls, or close relationships as the key to happiness

Karolina Wysokińska on TEDxUniversityofGdansk 08.06.2024

Close relationships can have a greater impact on our happiness than physical health or wealth. Karolina Wysokińska presented research that shows that people in relationships live longer and are happier than the lonely. She cited examples of scientific research from various countries that show that loneliness increases the risk of depression and of diseases such as Alzheimer's, thus drawing the audience’s attention to the importance of interpersonal relationships to a person's mental health and well-being.

Natalia Florek (Personal Branding) – Energy Balance. When work stops making you happy

Natalia Florek on TEDxUniversityofGdansk 08.06.2024

Work is a very important aspect of life, which is why Natalia Florek touched on issues related to job satisfaction and motivation at work. She stressed that although an ideal job is one that provides good pay, development and a positive atmosphere, in reality it is difficult to achieve a state when all these conditions are met. The speaker noted that the brain quickly becomes used to both good and bad situations. After some time, even work that used to exciting can become monotonous. However, it is worth looking for those elements in our work that give us joy and satisfaction. She also stressed the importance of finding tasks or areas of activity that we are passionate about and motivate us to act, and for looking for our “flow”. By focusing on these positive work aspects, we can regain our energy and enjoy performing our professional duties.

Hanna Obracht-Prondzyńska – Climate cities as a recipe for happiness

Hanna Obracht-Prondzyńska on TEDxUniversityofGdansk 08.06.2024

The potential of using social media data is also reflected in land use planning, thus playing a role in creating climate-resilient cities. The speaker pointed out the negative effects of urbanisation and of the development of road infrastructure, such as increased CO2 emissions and stress for residents. She presented a vision of compact cities, promoting pedestrians and vegetation, which contribute to health, happiness and social integration. Hanna Obracht-Prondzyńska highlighted the potential of small towns, which generate a smaller volume of emissions and can be a model for sustainable development. She emphasised that investment in green infrastructure is economically viable and improves the residents’ quality of life.

Kornelia Kadac-Czapska (MUG) – Microplastics: “a stowaway” in food

Kornelia Kadac-Czapska on TEDxUniversityofGdansk 08.06.2024

The question of quality and safety in the context of food could not be disregarded at the conference on change. Kornelia Kadac-Czapska pointed out that microplastics, i.e. minute plastic particles with a diameter of less than 5 millimetres, are becoming increasingly common in the environment, and an even more worrying phenomenon is the presence of microplastics in foodstuffs. The speaker called for a more conscious approach to food consumption and for urgent action to set standards for the permissible amount of microplastic in food products.

Marcin Jaskólski (Gdańsk Tech) – Electricity for a sustainable tomorrow

Marcin Jaskólski on TEDxUniversityofGdansk 08.06.2024

Electricity is of great importance in our daily lives. Marcin Jaskólski juxtaposed the past and the present by pointing out how dependent we are on electricity. He emphasized the negative environmental and health effects associated with the use of fossil fuels, especially coal. Marcin Jaskólski discussed various renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, and the challenges related to their stability and storage. He highlighted the role of hydrogen as the fuel of the future and the potential for CO2 capture and storage. Finally, he presented nuclear power as a zero-carbon and efficient solution, emphasising the importance of synergies between nuclear power and renewable energy sources.

The atmosphere at TEDxUniversityofGdansk2024 was full of enthusiasm and engagement. Participants were eager to listen to speakers who shared not only their knowledge and experience, but also their motivation to turn words into action. The event was an important step in building a community ready to take on challenges and act for a better tomorrow.

fot. Gregmar